He Zhimin Meets the Vice President of the European Patent Office


Source: China IP News

On August 27th, He Zhimin, Deputy Commissioner of China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), met the delegation headed by Raimund Lutz, Vice President of the European Patent Office (EPO), who came to China to participate in the 2018 High-level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the Belt and Road and the 9th China Patent Annual Conference. He noted that the bilateral cooperation projects have been carried out smoothly, particularly in such fields as Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) and automation. He hoped that the two sides continue to enhance communications in patent protection of emerging technologies and improving the quality and efficiency of examination by using new technologies as well as in CPC training. Lutz said that the cooperation of over 30 years between the two offices has contributed positively to the development of the global intellectual property system. In the meantime, profound friendship has been established between the two sides. In the past year, the cooperation between the two sides has been running smoothly. EPO will continue to push forward the cooperation on its already solid basis. 
