SPC President Meets WIPO Delegation


Source: english.court.gov.cn

Zhou Qiang, chief justice and president of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC), met in Beijing on Aug 22 with Deputy Director-general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Wang Binying, the organization’s Legal Counsel Frits Bontekoe, as well as judges trained in a class on intellectual property (IP) judicial trial recently held by WIPO and the training session's lecturers.

Zhou welcomed the WIPO delegation, saying that WIPO has played an important role in IP protection since its foundation.

Chinese courts and WIPO have carried out close exchanges and cooperation. The seminar, a result of that cooperation, promoted exchanges between judges of all countries and will have a positive influence on IP judicial protection.

Zhou said that China attaches high importance to IP protection. Chinese courts work to earnestly perform their duty and properly hear IP cases to protect Chinese and foreign parties involved and build a sound legal environment in that area.

Chinese courts are adapting to economic and social development needs by improving the IP judicial protection system, establishing special IP courts to strengthen informatization construction and improving the quality and efficiency of IP trials.

The SPC is willing to strengthen contact with WIPO and carry out cooperation in judge training, case study and judicial protection of world IP.

Wang expressed her gratitude for the meeting and praised the role of Chinese courts in IP protection, saying that she is willing to deepen cooperation between Chinese courts and WIPO for more fruitful results.
