All Eyes on IP Protection at CIIE


Source: China IP News

With the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) on the horizon, how a slew of world-debut new products and technologies is becoming a pressing issue. Now with the clock at T minus three months, a host of arrangements have been made to accomplish the above goal.

Shanghai has decided to launch a special campaign on CIIE-related IP protection in the city from August 1 to November 10, according to an action plan issued by the General Office of Shanghai IP Joint Committee recently. The plan requires uncovering clues of IP infringement and evaluating if such infringement constituted during the whole course of CIIE. Concerted efforts will be made to allow easy access to the Shanghai 12330 IP Assistance and ComplaintHotline and 12315 Consumers' Complaint Hotline. The green channel for receiving IP complains related to CIIE will be initiated, ensuring quick action on handling, investigating, processing cases and offering feedback.

"As the CIIE lasts only for six days, time is of essence in investigating and solving IP infringement issues. If the cases were not processed in a timely manner, the damages caused by IP infringement would not be properly indemnified when the exhibition closes," said Xu Chunming, president of IP Institute of Shanghai University.

It is reported that China (Shanghai) IPR Protection Assistance Center has ridden along 33 international exhibitions held in Shanghai as of mid-August, issued more than 1,000 pieces of IP educational materials and dealt with nearly 90 patent infringement disputes on site, effectively guaranteeing quick response to IP dispute.

In an effort to provide better IP services to participants, China International Import Expo Bureau (CIIEB) makes IP educational materials and offers consultation services through a call center in response to participants' requests.Risk prevention and publicity guidance is the objective here. Massive amount of information will appear if entering channel "IP" in column "exhibition services" in the homepage of CIIEB's website. In addition to Chinese IP laws and regulations, there are also particular exhibition-related rules and interpretations thereof to effectively keep potential IP disputes at bay and offer walkthroughs of resolution procedures.

"IP protection for exhibitions is forced to work many unique angles, for example, high concentration of certain types of IPs or issues, imminence of dispute resolution, varieties of disputes and complexity of IP protection. In view of these angles, IP protection for CIIE should realize 'quick protection', 'strict protection', 'great protection'," Xu Chunming said.

"Shanghai will keep up with first-class IP protection for exhibitions, provide service for CIIE IP protection with 'highest standard, best quality', and construct CIIE IP great protection shield through multiple channels such as judicial adjudication, administrative enforcement of law, arbitration and mediation, tipping and complaint, consultation services, to make CIIE an excellent example of IP protection at exhibitions in China,"deputy director general Rui Wenbiao of Shanghai IP Office said.

"CIIE is not just another exhibition in town, but a grand display of Chinese policies and actions in opening its market. This is not only a grand meeting of global economy and trade, but also a centralized inspection and presentation toward our country's IP protection competence." Xu Chunming said, only by doing IP homework and building concerted force, can we escort the successful hold of the first ever CIIE.
