China and Visegrad Group Joint Seminar on Intellectual Property Successfully Held in Czech


Lately, SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin led a delegation on invitation to Prague, the Czech Republic to attend 2018 China-Visegrad Group (V4) Joint Seminar on Intellectual Property and delivered a keynote speech on the meeting. Josef Kratochvíl, President of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, Viktor Luszcz, President of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, Richard Messinger, President of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, Slawomir Wachowicz, Deputy President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, and Mark Gardonyi, Director of the Visegrad Patent Institute, presented at the meeting. Chen Jianjun, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Czech Republic, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Representatives of IP-related government institutions, universities, investment institutions, law firms and industries of V4 countries attended the seminar. 

In the seminar, He Zhimin introduced in details features of Chinese IP system, IP protection status in China, and updates on promotion of awareness and quality, facilitation of IP application as well as international cooperation. The audiences were excited and enthusiastic, and He Zhimin's speech was widely welcomed by industrial property offices and IP industry delegates of V4 countries, therefore further expanded China's influence on the Central Europe. During the stay in Czech, He Zhimin and other members of the delegation also had a roundtable meeting with heads of intellectual property offices of V4 countries, discussed on further cooperation between China and V4, and reached an agreement on issues including the next joint seminar on intellectual property.(Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
