20th Deputy Commissioners Meeting of IP5 Cooperation on Invention Convened


On 12th June local time, the 20th Deputy Commissioners Meeting of IP5 Cooperation (i.e., cooperation between patent offices of China, the United States, Europe, Japan and Korea) on invention was held in New Orleans of the United States. SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin, EPO Deputy Commissioner Raimund Lutz, JPO Deputy Commissioner Kunihiko Shimano and KIPO Vice Commissioner Tae Man Kim headed delegations respectively to attend the meeting. Mark Powell, the Deputy Commissioner of USTPO, presided over the meeting, while WIPO Deputy Director General John Sandage attended the meeting as an observer.
In the meeting, Deputy Commissioners of the five offices listened to the report of PMT on issues of evaluation and architecture improvement of the five offices, and summarized work progress of the five offices on patent classification, global files, patent coordination expert group, work sharing and the access to diversified information for users over the past year. They also had a discussion on increasing transparency of standard-essential patents, and exchanged ideas on strategic issues of quality and prospects of IP5 cooperation, which would be discussed in the Commissioners Meeting of IP5 Cooperation and the Meeting with IP5 Industry.

Before the meeting, several members of delegations also attended the PMT meeting of IP5, and negotiated over issues including projects evaluation, improvement plans of IP5 structure, future meeting arrangement of IP5, the next meeting of consultant group for IP5 industry, and the operating guide on discussion of strategic issues. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 
