A Symposium in Memory of the Tenth Anniversary of the Promulgation and Implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium is Held in Beijing


On the scene of the symposium in memory of the tenth anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium

Splendid achievements have been made after ten years of unremitting endeavor. On the morning of June 5, a symposium in memory of the tenth anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium was held in Beijing Great Hall. Yan Junqi, vice chairwoman of the 12th NPC Standing Committee and leader of IP Revaluation group for the implementation of national intellectual property strategy for ten years, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Shen Changyu, director of the State Intellectual Property Office, vice convener of the State Council Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting for Implementing the Intellectual Property Right Strategy, and office director of the Joint Meeting, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Liu Junchen, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and vice director of the State Intellectual Property Office presided over the meeting.

Yan Junqi in her speech pointed out that the promulgation and implementation of National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium ten years ago fully reflect that the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to intelligent property work. It pools wisdom of relevant departments, experts and scholars, and all sectors of society, and carries the hope of intellectual property development. It is inseparably interconnected with the strategic planning of various fields of China such as economy, science and technology, education, culture, and justice. It improves our country’s capability of independent innovation and national core competence, safeguards overall and long-term interests of our country. It is consistent with our country’s circumstances and always serves our country’s whole interest and overall development. It also sticks to open innovation, and has an international perspective and strategic insight. Over the past ten years since its implementation, our country has taken an intellectual property development road with Chinese characteristics, making intellectual property undertaking boom within a short time, stimulating innovative subjects’ awareness and capacity of intellectual property, and raising China’s voice and influence in the world’s intellectual property field. She stressed that with the great attention from the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the development of intellectual property undertakings is faced with an unprecedented opportunity, and thus she hoped that on the new journey of the new age, all sectors of society and intellectual property workers can remain true to their original aspiration, keep their mission firmly in mind, and make concerted efforts to deeply implement intellectual property strategy, accelerate the construction of a strong country in intellectual property, promote high-quality development of intellectual property undertakings, and make new contributions to the Chinese Dream of building a moderately well-off society in an all-round way and bringing about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Shen Changyu in his speech indicated that the promulgation and implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium open a new chapter in the development of intellectual property undertakings of our country. Over the past ten years, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the IP strategy has advanced solidly, making remarkable achievements and valuable experience. Standing at the new starting point of development, we should thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and perform the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council for seeking improvement in stability and high-quality development, striving to change the intellectual property creation from many to excellent and from big to strong, making intellectual property protection from being strengthened constantly to being protected strictly and comprehensively, and the intellectual property exploitation from single benefit to comprehensive benefits. We should conscientiously implement decisions and arrangements of the central government, deepen the reform of intellectual property institutions, and speed up the modernization of intellectual property governance system and governance capacity. We should actively carry out international cooperation on intellectual property so as to push the international rules on intellectual property to move toward an open, inclusive, balanced, and effective direction and strive to realize mutual benefit and win-win result. We should further strengthen the construction of talent team and cultural environment to consolidate the development foundation of the intellectual property undertakings and speed up the construction of a strong country in intellectual property.

At the meeting, Zhuang Rongwen, vice minister of Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and director of National Copyright Administration, Hu Yunteng, full-time member (vice-ministerial level) of the judicial committee of the Supreme People's Court, Zhang Tao, vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yin Hejun, member of the Standing Committee of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and vice mayor of Beijing Municipal Government, Zhang Chonghe, president of China Light Industry Council, Wu Handong, honorary director of the Research Center of Intellectual Property Right of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Tong Guohua, president of Datang Telecom Technology & Industry Group, and YangWu, president of All-China Patent Attorneys Association delivered speeches. Combined with their work practices, they talked freely in their speeches about the achievements made from the ten years of implementation of national intellectual property strategy, looked into the bright prospect for the development of intellectual property in the new era, and gave advice and suggestions for deeply implementing intellectual property strategy, speeding up the construction of a strong country in intellectual property, and supporting the high-quality economic development.

Liu Junchen indicated that reviewing the past is to better plan the future. Over the past ten years, our country has made historic achievements in the implementation of intellectual property strategy and accumulated valuable experience. Standing at the new starting point, we should, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thoughton Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out the decisions and arrangements of the central government on intellectual property work, deeply implement intellectual property strategy, and earnestly plan the future development of intellectual property undertakings, so as to make new contributions to the construction of a strong country in intellectual property in a new era.

Over 80 persons attended the meeting, including He Hua, vice director of State Intellectual Property Office and vice office director of the Joint Meeting, experts Tian Lipu, Fu Shuangjian, and Pu Changcheng of IPR evaluation group for the implementation of national intellectual property strategy for ten years, relevant responsible persons of the member units of the Joint Meeting, delegates from relevant research and development institutions, colleges and universities, enterprises, service organizations, etc.

It is reported that over the past decades since the promulgation and implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium, our country has continuously improved intellectual property creation level, constantly strengthened the protection effort, highlighted the use efficiency, gradually improved the management ability, and made solid progress in international cooperation, making its development foundation more solid and intellectual property cultural concept more popular. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 


