2018 Training Seminar of Patent Systems and Examination Practices in "Belt and Road" Countries Held in Zhengzhou, China


Organized by the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) and undertook by the Henan Branch of the Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office, SIPO, 2018 Training Seminar of Patent Systems and Examination Practices in "Belt and Road" Countries was held from April 17 to April 25, 2018 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Relevant co-directors of the International Cooperation Department of SIPO and Patent Examination Cooperation Center Henan Branch attended and addressed the opening ceremony.

The seminar focused on developments of patent systems and experience sharing of examination practices; altogether 25 trainees from 22 countries along the "Belt and Road" and 19 trainees from various branches of the Patent Examination Cooperation Center attended the seminar. A number of experts and IP backbones from SIPO gave courses on topics of Chinese patent system, procedures and practices of Chinese patent examination, management of patent examination and international cooperation. During the training seminar, trainees were also sent to the Intellectual Property Office of Henan Province and high-tech enterprises in Henan for on-the-spot teaching.  

The training seminar is a significant step of SIPO in continuous implementation of Common Initiatives for Strengthening Cooperation Between Countries along the "Belt and Road" in the Field of Intellectual Property; it enhanced communication between China and countries along the "Belt and Road" in the field of Intellectual Property, improved experience sharing of patent examination of various countries, and fostered mutual development. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 
