SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Maoyu Leads Delegation to WIPO and Hungarian Intellectual Property Office and Attends Conference Digital Transformation: Intellectual Property and Blockchain Technology for BRICS in Russia


Recently, at the invitation of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, Zhang Maoyu, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of China led a delegation to visit the above mentioned institutions, during which cooperation agreements were signed. At the invitation of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Maoyu led a delegation to attend the international conference Digital Transformation: Intellectual Property and Blockchain Technology for BRICS, where he delivered a keynote speech. 

Zhang Maoyu and Francis Gurry sign a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of a virtual private network for bilateral security 

During the visit to WIPO, Zhang Maoyu and his delegation met with WIPO Director General Francis Gurry. Mr. Gurry thanked SIPO for its strong support to WIPO. Zhang Maoyu said that SIPO would continue to deepen cooperation and promote the bilateral relations between two offices. Two offices signed a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of a virtual private network for bilateral security. Zhang Maoyu also held a meeting with WIPO Deputy Director General Wang Binying, during which both sides exchanged in-depth views on the two offices' latest work of intellectual property, cooperation between PCT and the Hague system, as well as machine translation, big data and artificial intelligence. 

Zhang Maoyu and Viktor Luszcz sign a joint statement to extend the PPH pilot program

During his visit to Hungary, Mr. Zhang met with Viktor Luszcz, President of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office. The two sides exchanged views on the implementation of intellectual property strategies, intellectual property innovation and management, information system construction and quality management; and also signed a Joint Statement to extend the Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program indefinitely.

During his visit to Russia, Zhang Maoyu attended the Intellectual Property and Blockchain Technology Conference for BRICS, where he delivered a keynote speech entitled "Improving Intellectual Property System, Promoting Technological Innovation and High-quality Development of Economy". At the session of "Intellectual Property in China", the delegation shared China's experience in intellectual property system development and the application of blockchain technology in this field, which gained high attention and great response of participants.(Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 
