2018 High-level Forum on China IP Protection Held in Beijing


Source: China IP News

On April 20, 2018 High-level Forum on China IP Protection themed 'Strengthen Protection of Intellectual Property, Foster Harmonious Business Environment' opened in Beijing. This is also one of the important parts of the annual National IP Publicity Week. Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Wang Binying, Deputy Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Yan Xiaohong, Vice Director of Culture, History and Learning Committee of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Lu Pengqi, Vice President, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Yann Yves Ménière , Chief Economist of the European Patent Office (EPO), Adel Elsaid Hassan Ewida,president of Egyptian Patent Office, Freddy Harris,Director General of Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Adil El-Maliki,Director General of Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office attended the forum and delivered keynote speeches. Liao Tao, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO moderated the event.

"The theme is significant for the development trend of era and the need of further opening," said Shen. "At the recent opening ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018, President Xi Jinping highlighted strengthening IPR protection as one of the major measures to pursue further opening, and emphasized that strengthening protection of intellectual property rights is the centerpiece of the system for improving property rights protection, and it will provide the biggest boost to enhance the competitiveness of the Chinese economy. It showcases the unwavering position and clear attitude on strengthening IPR protection of China to the world, and also provides guidelines and fundamental standard for IPR protection work."

"Standing at new point, we should under the guideline of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and thoroughly implement the decision and deployment by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, coordinate IPR 'strict, wide, fast and impartial' protection, accelerate the construction of IPR protection system covering examination and grant of rights, administrative law enforcement, judicial protection, arbitration and mediation and industry self-discipline, establish new IPR protection climate, and provide stronger law guarantee for innovators and market players."

"SIPO will reinforce IPR protection strength and improve IPR protection effect from four aspects this year, that is, actively advancing IP comprehensive law enforcement on the occasion of institutional reform, build IP infringement punitive compensation system at the moment of the Patent Law revision, accelerate founding convenient, effective and low-cost IPR safeguard channel based on IPR protection center, and actively promote inclusive, balanced and effective international IP rules with the chance of 40th anniversary of Opening-up and Reform," Shen informed the crowd.

In recent years, innovators and the general public focus more and more attention on IPR protection. The two-day forum concentrates on new concepts, ideas and measures for IPR protection in the new era. It includes one main forum and six themed panels, covering cutting-edge and hot IP topics such as the Internet, "Going Out", pharmaceuticals, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and unfair competition. Over 1200 representatives from international organizations, government agencies, embassies and industrial associations listened attentively to and interacted with over 70 experts and scholars from judicial authorities, renowned enterprises and universities.

2018 Forum is co-hosted by CIP News and the WIPO Office in China. With two already in the book, the forum has become a popular and go-to annual gathering for IP professionals from both home and abroad.

