Shen Changyu Leads Delegation to Attend 5th China-Mongolia-Russia IP Seminar and IP Office Heads Conference


On September 6, the 5th China-Mongolia-Russia Intellectual Property (IP) Seminar and IP Office Heads Conference was held in Vladivostok, Russia. Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO), Grigoriy Ivliev, Director General of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), and Sodkhuu Rentsen, Director General of General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration of Mongolia (GAIPSR), addressed the conference. The conference is under the framework of East Russia Economic Forum held by Russian government.

During the seminar, Shen Changyu delivered a speech on behalf of the Chinese side. He said that with the rise of a new round scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, innovation plays a more obvious and important role in leading development and IP system plays a more prominent role in protecting innovation. In terms of IPR, the Chinese government has enhanced IPR protection in a strict and rapid way on a large scale to improve the level of IPR protection. Concerning the use of IP, SIPO continued to improve comprehensive IP utilization benefits and support the development of real economy through constructing mechanism and platform. China attaches great importance to international IP exchanges and cooperation, and is willing to actively participate in the trilateral IP cooperation, expand cooperation areas, and strengthen cooperation effect. In the future, SIPO is willing to work with Rospatent and the GAIPSR to continue to deepen the cooperation mechanism, explore new areas of cooperation, improve regional intellectual property environment and provide better services for regional economic development.

Grigoriy Ivliev said the accelerated global economic integration and regional merging brought the importance of IP more prominent. Regional IP system plays a supporting role in regional economic development and the commercial use of IPR promotes the transformation of innovative achievements and the improvement of innovation capability. Russia highly values the trilateral IP cooperation system and wishes to maintain friendly cooperation among the three countries. He hoped that the three sides would keep exchanges with and learn from each other for joint development.

Sodkhuu Rentsen said that Mongolia had attached more emphasis to IP and innovation. After the restructuring of domestic IP sector, Mongolia has actively promoted a number of key work including national IP strategy development, and IP laws and regulations amendment to speed up IP top design. The GAIPSR attaches great importance to the cooperation with SIPO and Rospatent in IP, hoping to learn from the two countries’ useful experience and practices to promote domestic development and achieve regional prosperity.

On the seminar, representatives from the three offices had discussions on topics including infrastructure construction for IPR commercialization, regional IPR registration system, and strategic implementation of national IP strategies. President of the Eurasian Patent Office Saule Tlevlessova and representative from the Liaison for JPO in Europe Hirokazu Nakano respectively introduced European and Asian invention and protection system and Japan’s experiences of formulating IP policies.

At the trilateral IP Office Heads Conference, the three sides reviewed and sorted out the overall cooperation over the past year, summed up the cooperation results and put forward new cooperation ideas. In addition, they also conducted in-depth discussions on the topics for the next the IP seminar and IP Office Heads Conference, as well as cooperation projects for cooperation at the next stage. The meeting decided that the 6th China-Mongolia-Russia IP Seminar would be held by SIPO in 2018. At that time, the three sides will develop a new work plan to guide cooperation at the next phase. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
