The 15th China Optical Valley International Forum on Intellectual Property Opens


On November 1, the 15th China Optical Valley International Forum on Intellectual Property and the 2nd Yangtze River Intellectual Property Forum were held in Wuhan East Lake Hich-tech Development Zone. The forum featured the theme of free trade zone construction and protection of intellectual property rights. Gan Shaoning, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, and Guo Shenglian, Vice Governor of Hubei Provincial People's Government attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Gan Shaoning said that with the in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy and the continuous promotion of the building of a powerful intellectual property country, intellectual property right (IPR) has increasingly become a key element in the development of important resources and competitiveness. The report of the 19th National Congress of the CPC pointed out that advocating a culture of innovation and strengthening the creation, protection and application of intellectual property (IP) are the new arrangements and requirements on IP work made by the CPC Central Committee. The Framework Plan for China (Hubei) Pilot Free Trade Zone promulgated by the State Council clearly states that the IPR protection mechanism shall be perfected, the mechanism for inter-departmental cooperation in the IPR-related law enforcement established and the working mechanism for mediation, assistance and arbitration improved, which is of great practical significance for IPR protection. We hope this forum will provide experiences and reference for the promotion of IPR protection in Hubei Province and the whole country.

Guo Shenglian said Hubei has always regarded IP work as an important support and guarantee for promoting sustainable economic development and has been committed to building and perfecting an efficient service system for the creation, operation, protection and management of intellectual property. Hopefully, the convening of this forum will further provide valuable advice for the reform and development, as well as the smooth implementation of IP work in Hubei Free Trade Zone.

Government agencies, colleges and institutes, service agencies and business representatives from China, France, the United States and other countries and regions attended the forum and had discussions on themes such ascross-border trade and IPR protection in the eyes of foreign investors and research on IPR protection in China’s free trade zone. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 
