SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin Meets with AstraZeneca's General Counsel in Beijing


He Zhimin meets with Jeffrey Pott, General Counsel at AstraZeneca, in Beijing

On March 19, SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Zhimin met with Jeffrey Pott, General Counsel at AstraZeneca, in Beijing. The two sides exchanged ideas on issues such as work progress in China's intellectual property, intellectual protection and examination standards in medicine, among others. He Zhimin said that in recent years, the Chinese government had been attaching great importance to intellectual property protection and carrying out a strict system accordingly. SIPO has been dedicated to providing better intellectual property service to users and the public, as well as promoting the creation of a more equitable, fair, open, and transparent market environment.  Jeffrey Pott highly appreciated the work that the Chinese government had done in intellectual property protection and other fields, and hoped to continue strengthening their exchanges and cooperation with SIPO.(Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
