Shen Changyu Leads Delegation to Visit Cambodia and Signs MoU on Chinese Patents Taking Effect in Cambodia


Shen Changyu and Cham Prasidh sign a memorandum of understanding on Chinese patents taking effect in Cambodia

On the morning of March 29th, SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu led a delegation to visit Cambodia and held a high-level meeting with Cham Prasidh, Minister of State and Minister of Industry and Handicrafts of the Kingdom of Cambodia. After the meeting, the two signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Chinese Patents Taking Effect in Cambodia Between the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) and the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts of the Kingdom of Cambodia (MIH)" and the meeting minutes.

Shen Changyu pointed out that China and Cambodia are comprehensive strategic partners and enjoy a longstanding traditional friendship with rapid development of their cooperation and exchanges in science and technology, investment, economy and trade, and culture, among other fields. The two countries have been maintaining good cooperative relations in intellectual property (IP), which have yielded pleasing results along with their deepening cooperation in recent years. In September 2017, State Councilor Wang Yong met with Cham Prasidh and highly praised China-Cambodia IP cooperation. At that time, SIPO and MIH signed a memorandum of understanding on IP cooperation, which confirmed that Cambodia will recognize China's invention patent grants. This important cooperation outcome enriched the two countries' comprehensive strategic partnership and strongly promoted the development of the Belt and Road Initiative. The MoU signed this time and official launch of registering and taking effect offer a direct channel for Chinese patent applicants to obtain patent grants in Cambodia. It will benefit the further growth of China's investment in Cambodia and bring in a positive impact on economic and trade development and exchanges in science and technology between the two countries.  

Cham Prasidh said that Cambodia-China IP cooperation is an important part of the cooperation between the two countries and Cambodia attaches great importance to IP cooperation with China. The official launch of China's valid patents registering and taking effect in Cambodia is a step to implement the MoU signed last year. It will greatly promote their IP cooperation and exchanges and offer services of higher quality and efficiency to the two countries' innovation players.

At the meeting, the two sides briefed each other on their latest progress in IP, examined and adopted the 2017-2019 work plan, and exchange ideas on further strengthening their pragmatic cooperation. According to this work plan, China and Cambodia will further strengthen pragmatic cooperation in personnel training, PCT retrieval and examination, publicity, and IP work discussion. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
