Shen Changyu Leads Delegation to Visit Laos


Shen Changyu meets with Boviengkham Vongdara, Minister of Science and Technology of Laos and President of the Lao National Academy of Sciences

On April 2nd, SIPO Commissioner Shen Changyu led a delegation to visit Laos and met with Boviengkham Vongdara, Minister of Science and Technology of Laos and President of the Lao National Academy of Sciences. The two sides briefed each other on their latest intellectual property (IP) development, reached consensus on comprehensively strengthening and deepening IP cooperation, and agreed to establish China-Laos bilateral IP cooperation relations.

Shen Changyu pointed out that China and Laos are friendly neighbors bordering each other with a longstanding traditional friendship between the two people. For years, the two countries upheld the spirit of good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, and good partners, and established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In November 2017, President Xi Jinping visited Laos and presented a new blueprint for China-Laos comprehensive strategic partnership together with the Lao leaders. In recent years, the two countries' IP authorities were engaged in frequent interactions and laid a solid foundation for cooperation within frameworks such as the Belt and Road IP cooperation and China-ASEAN IP cooperation. He hoped that this meeting, together with the establishment of China-Laos bilateral IP cooperation relations, would enrich their comprehensive strategic partnership and make contributions to the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative in IP.

Vongdara said that Laos attaches great importance to IP cooperation with China, and hoped that the signing of the memorandum of understanding on IP cooperation would help establish bilateral IP cooperation relations with China. Laos will actively promote the two sides' IP cooperation and exchanges, learn from China's IP development experience, and provide strong support to the two countries' innovation, entrepreneurship, technological exchanges, and economic ties. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
