Wu Yi meets with Chairman of U.S. Federation on Intellectual Property


Wu Yi, Vice-Premier of the State Council met with Eric Smith, Chairman of the U.S. Federation on Intellectual Property and his party at the Purple Light Pavilion, Zhongnanhai on November 9th.  Wu Yi said that "The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property.  In terms of protection for intellectual property, it is not only China's need for fulfilling her international commitment, but also for her own development and raising of independent innovation capability.

Wu Yi pointed out that "In recent years, both China and the U.S. have strengthened their cooperation and exchange in the intellectual property area and obtained many results.  Facts have proved that cooperation and win-win is the correct choice made by China and the U.S., which is in the interest of both countries.  Although there are still some differences in certain areas, both sides should regard and treat the Sino-US intellectual property issue from the height of strategy and the long-term perspective. As long as both parties practice mutual respect, equality, enhance dialogue, seek common ground while reserving differences and handle the sensitive as well as the issues of mutual concern properly through dialogue and consultation and resolve the emerging problems through cooperation, Sino-US relations will continuously develop."  She further said that it took China a short period of time to traverse the road which the other countries had traversed for hundreds of years.  China has gradually established a whole set of system for the protection of intellectual property that conform to the international rules and fit in with her national conditions.  By adopting a series of effective measures, China has intensified her law enforcement on protection for intellectual property.

Eric Smith commended on the efforts made by the Chinese Government for the protection of intellectual property.  He said that China and the U.S. are commonly confronted with the challenge of protection for intellectual property.  During their stay in China, the delegation conducted effective exchanges with China's relevant departments and enhanced mutual understanding.  The U.S. Federation on Intellectual Property is willing to do more work in terms of strengthening protection for copyright and promoting the development of the industry.

