China Intellectual Property Strategy Seminar was convened in Beijing


Recently, China Intellectual Property Protection and Intellectual Property Strategy Seminar was convened in Beijing.  Representatives of the corporate circles and law circles from Australia, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Sweden and other countries as well as from China's intellectual property management departments and intellectual property agents conducted extensive exchanges on China's protection for intellectual property and intellectual property legal affairs.

At the seminar, Wen Xikai, deputy-head and concurrently Secretary-General of the Working Office of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy gave an account on the formulation of the state intellectual property strategy.  She said that the formulation work has achieved initial results.  At present, it is in the solicit-opinion stage.  The related personnel of the Department of Treaty and Law, SIPO made a detailed explanation to the solicit-opinion manuscript on the 3rd amendment of China's Patent Law which is of wide concern of the representatives from abroad.  In terms of practical work, Zhang Guangliang, Head of the Research Room of Beijing No.1 Intermediary People's Court, elaborated on the enterprises' response strategies to China's intellectual property litigations.




