Zhang Qin attended the "National Seminar on Patent Technology Display Transaction Work"


Recently, the "National Seminar on Patent Technology Display Transaction Work" was convened in Wuhan City, at which, licenses were granted to the first batch of 18 state patent technology display transaction centers in the country by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO). These transaction centers will establish  non-profit transaction platforms for China's broad masses of non-occupational inventors, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as small and medium-sized investors.

Zhang Qin, Deputy Director of the State Intellectual Property Office said that "Beginning from this year, SIPO will implement the "National Patent Technology Display Transaction Platform Plan" and the establishment of the permanent display transaction platform is the core content for the implementation of China's patent transformation plan.  As the first step of the plan, 18 transaction centers will be established and they will be distributed in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhuan, Yichang, Ningpo, Huaibei, Nanchang, Chongqing, Chengdu, Fushan and other cities.

It was learnt that all the transaction centers operate independently, but they coordinate and support one another.  When the conditions are ripe, an effective national cooperation mechanism will be jointly established under the organization and guidance of SIPO, so as to promote interaction and develop the unified activities of all the transaction centers throughout the country.

According to the plan, if the first batch of the transaction centers operate well, then during the 11th Five-Year Plan period or even in a longer period of time, SIPO will select more cities that have favorable conditions and about 80 to 100 regional state patent technology transaction centers will be developed.  On this basis, a network of national unified patent technology display transaction center will be finally established.

