Intellectual property is the key to win-win trade, said the Chinese and the U.S. senior officials


Recently, Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council met with Mr. Carlos Gutierrez, US Secretary of Commerce in Beijing. "The economic and trade relation is an important aspect of the China-US relationship," Wen said. In the recent two months, "U.S. may file a lawsuit against China at the WTO on the issue of protection for intellectual property". This is an issue of common concern. On the same day, Secretary Gutierrez gave his response to the issue, saying that " With regard to this issue, the U.S. will prefer to dialogue first, in order to push forward China's action for the protection of intellectual property."

Premier Wen said that "At present, there is a good momentum in the development of the Sino-US relations.  The Sino-US cooperation in various fields not only conform to the fundamental interests of both countries, but also is conducive to peace and prosperity in the world.  Developing the Sino-US relations has been the common understanding of the US Republican Party and the Democratic Party as well as the common aspiration of the peoples of the two countries. The Chinese government is willing to make joint efforts with the U.S. in promoting the long-term, healthy and stable relations."

Secretary Gutierrez said that economic and trade cooperation between the U.S. and China met the interests of the peoples of the two countries and are also conducive to the all-round and healthy development of the relations between the two countries.  He hoped that joint efforts would be made active measures from the both sides to prevent the rise of trade protectionism and promote the development of US and China economic and trade cooperation.

At the press conference held that afternoon in Beijing, Gutierrez pointed out that he would avail himself of this visit to China to conduct an all-round consultation and dialogue with the Chinese leaders on such intellectual property issues as copyright, patent and trademark. At present, China is implementing its plan for the protection of intellectual property, which includes 14 key points. The U.S. side hopes China could earnestly implement the plan.  As to whether or not the U.S. will file a lawsuit against China, this will have to be decided upon according to more specific situation and facts. After all, litigation is only one of the tools the United States may choose for resolving the problems.  At present, we hope problems could be resolved through dialogue."

Gutierrez insisted that protection for intellectual property, market access and the transparency of laws and regulations were important factors that lead to the win-win trade relationship between China and the United States. "Protection for intellectual property is the primary task of the global commercial and international trade circle," said the secretary, "According to the estimated figure, 75 percent of the market value in the American market, i.e. about US$5,000 billion came from the brands, copy right, patent and other intangible assets."

"We must continue to crack down on the manufacturing and distribution of illegal products with all measure we have in the whole world. Being a beneficiary of the global trade system, it conforms to her own maximum interests that China becomes a responsible stakeholder, opens the market and sticks to the fair and effective rules," the American top commerce official said. In addition, he also emphasized the importance of cracking down on film, music and other pirated productions and is of the opinion that China should open these industries to the outside world and allow foreign companies to legally marketing and publishing the original authentic products in China. This will firstly, decrease the US deficit in its trade with China, and secondly, decrease China's rate of piracy, as the relevant U.S. industries have suffered a loss of US$2.3 billion.


