Annual Meeting of Germany ? U.K. Forum: Intensify the efforts for the protection of intellectual property


Recently, the 11th Annual Session of the Germany-U.K. Forum was convened in London.  Participants to the Forum expressed their hope that China could assume more global responsibilities, further intensify her efforts in the protection of intellectual property and strengthen the coordination with the Western countries on  non-energy cooperation policy.

The theme of this session's annual meeting is: "China, India and Europe: seek a sustainable development road ? common challenges and responsibilities." Ambassadors of China, India and Germany to the U.K. were invited to participate in the Forum and delivered addresses.  More than 150 people from the governments, enterprises, academic and media attended the meeting.

In his address, Cha Peixin, China's Ambassador to the U.K. said: "China, India and Europe are important forces in the world and they have made active contribution to the development of the human society.  As they are in the different stages of development, cooperation of the three countries have strong complementarities.  The said three countries should jointly maintain the free world trade environment and jointly respond to such issues as unstable factors and non-traditional safety.  This will not only be conductive to the welfare of all the people, but also to peace and prosperity of the world.

During the meeting, the honorable guests concerned made speeches on such issues as the macro economic situations of China and India respectively and the bilateral economic and trade relations with the European Union, the commercial environment of China and India, the roles of China and India in global environment and energy as well as the role of education and science and technology in future economic development.  And they also conducted good discussions and exchanges with the participants.

