Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes China and Japan will cooperate in intellectual property area


Recently, Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan said in an interview with a correspondent of the Xinhua News Agency in his residence that energetic efforts should be made to push forward the development of Japan and China relations and enhance bilateral cooperation in the finance, information technology and intellectual property and other areas.

Prime Minister Abe pointed out that Japan and China relationship is extremely important in terms of bilateral relations. Maintaining and further developing the friendly relationship between the two countries is of great significance to peace and development of the region as well as to peace and development of the world.  Both Japan and China occupy a very big portion in the world's economy.  Moreover, the economic relationship between Japan and China are so close that they are simply inseparable.  Japan has obtained big interests through investment in and export to China.  At the same time, China has created about 10 million job opportunities because of Japan's investment.  Besides, China imports semi-products from Japan and then exports them to the other countries in the world after processing.  Under this truly close and inseparable relationship, more than 10,000 people from Japan and China make mutual visits everyday.  We must energetically promote the Japan and China relations, using the political and economic wheels.  It is also important that we fully recognize the economic mutual- benefit to the two countries.  He said: "I hope our bilateral cooperation in energy, finance, information technology and intellectual property areas will be further promoted." He also said that "there is greater potentialities for the development of Japan and China relations.  And China will further develop in the future.  I welcome China's development.  China's development also provides an opportunity for Japan.  I am willing to make efforts for the further development of the relationship between Japan and China."

