Hu Jintao emphasized that we should seriously protect intellectual property


Recently, Hu Jintao, President of the People Republic of China, delivered an important speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit of Industrial and Commercial Leaders in Hanoi, Capital of Viet Nam. Hu pointed out that harmony is an important concept value of the Chinese civilization.  China advocates the building of a harmonious world for lasting-peace and common prosperity.  And China will devote itself to harmonious co-existence with all the countries in the world politically, common development economically, promoting the coordinated development of export and import trade, actively making use of foreign capital, seriously protecting intellectual property and continuously raising the level of opening up.

Hu's important speech entitled "Persist in peaceful development and promote common prosperity" was delivered at the Hanoi National Convention Center.

Hu pointed out that China mainly relies on self-reliance and hard struggle of the Chinese people for its development.  At the same time, China firmly institutes the basic policy of opening to the outside world as well as the opening strategy of mutual-benefit and win-win.  We will further deepen our foreign-related economic system reform, accelerate the transformation of the mode of growth of trade, promote the coordinated development of import and export trade, actively make use of foreign capital, seriously protect intellectual property and continuously upgrade the level of opening up.  China's development benefited much from the development of the region and the world.  At the same time, China has also made contributions to the regional and global development.  China will continue to take part in the international economic cooperation in a larger scale, broader areas and at a higher layer.  China will continuously promote the regional economic cooperation and the negotiations on the establishment of the free trade zone and continue to provide assistance and support to the developing countries.  And China will culturally overcome its own shortcomings by learning form the strong points of others and mutual trust and coordination, in the context of security so as to continuously make contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.


