Li Yuguang meets vice-president of Thomsen Science and Technology Information Group


A few days ago, Li Yuguang, Deputy-Director of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) met David Brown, vice-president of Thomsen Science and Technology Information Group and his party.  Both sides exchanged extensive opinions on the cooperation between SIPO and Thomsen Group in the respects of patent documentation data bank products, deep processing of patent data and training of patent examiners.  Li Jianrong, Director of the Documentation Department, SIPO, Dong Tieying, President of the Intellectual Property Publishing House, Zen Zhihua, Deputy- Director of the Working Office of Informatization and Xu Jian, Vice General Manager of the Development Company were present. During the meeting, Li Yuguang gave a brief account of the relevant information about patent documentation and data processing of SIPO and he highly appraised the fruitful cooperation between Thomsen Group and SIPO.  He pointed out that along with the rapid development of the intellectual property undertaking, the number of applications for patent to be accepted by SIPO is also continuously on the increase.  And this tendency of growth has been maintained for five consecutive years and will continue to grow.  Under this backdrop, examination for patent and other work will be confronted with new challenges.  He expressed his sincere thanks for the contribution Thomsen Group has made in promoting SIPO's work as an information supplier.  He also hoped that both sides would further consolidate and deepen this cooperation, increase cooperative projects and extend cooperative areas.

David Brown thanked Deputy-Director Li Yuguang for taking the time to meet him.  He expressed his admiration and appreciation for the rapid development and outstanding work of SIPO in recent years.  He gave a brief account of the institutional framework and the main products of Thomsen Group and answered in detail the questions raised by the Documentation Department and the Development Company.  He hoped his company would be able to provide even better products and service to meet the demand of SIPO, develop closer cooperation and exchange with SIPO, in order to promote the development of intellectual property undertaking in China.

Thomsen Science and Technology Information Group is one of the leading suppliers of information service resolving plan in the areas of present global science and technology innovation, development of intellectual property as well as the research and development of medicine.  Under its flag, there are numerous famous information service brands such as: ISI, Dervent, BIOSIS, Delphion and Newport Strategies.  There have been many years of cooperative history between Thomsen Group and SIPO.  The main content of cooperation include: SIPO, as a long-term subscriber to Dervent World Patent Index(DWPI)) (including paper products, micro-products and electronic products); A full-text version data of US Patent (1976-2008) was purchased by SIPO in 2005; To provide patent examiners with non-patent documentation retrieval service, an ISI Web of knowledge was imported by SIPO in 2005.  Furthermore, there have been long-term cooperation between the Intellectual Property Publishing House, the Patent Information Center and the Thomsen Science and Technology Information Group.

