Wu Bangguo emphasized the importance of intellectual property during his tour in Henan Province


A few days ago, Wu Bangguo, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made an inspection tour to Henan Province.  He pointed out that enterprises should be urged to pay more attention to development, to engage in the production of key spare-parts and to own more core technology of independent intellectual property.

Wu emphasized that serious efforts should be made for the implementation of the scientific approach to development and work should be carried out in a creative way.  Henan Province is doing good work in this regard.  Efforts should be further intensified, so that Henan will make even more outstanding achievements, and realize her leap from being a big province in terms of economy to a strong province in terms of economic power. First, efforts should be made to accelerate the readjustment of the economic structure, persist along the road of a new-type of industrialization, and impel the essential factors of production toward advantageous industries and advantageous enterprises.  And the focus of our work should be placed on upgrading the stock and traditional industry should be readjusted to high-end direction.  More prominence should be given to the task of readjustment of industrial structure; Enterprises should be urged to pay more attention to development, to engage in the production of key spare-parts and to own more core technology of intellectual property.  Second, energetic efforts should be made on a new round of  technological transformation of enterprises, starting with energy conservation and reduction of consumption, so as to promote the readjustment of structure, technological progress and upgrading of industrial optimization.  Efforts should be intensified for the development of cycle economy and doing good work in water saving, electricity saving, materials saving and recycling, so that the enterprises will get the real benefit and realize the unity between economic benefit and social benefit.  Third, the innovation of system and mechanism should be accelerated, the input for science and technology should be augmented, patent invention should be encouraged, more new talents should be attracted, the main role of enterprises in the innovation of science and technology should be intensified and the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress against economic growth should be raised.

