Yang Tiejun attends the National Patent Utilization and Industrialization Meeting


On November 22, the National Patent Utilization and Industrialization Meeting which was sponsored by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and undertaken by the Sichuan Provincial Intellectual Property Bureau was convened in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Yang Tiejun, Deputy-Director of SIPO attended the meeting and also delivered a speech. The meeting was chaired by Ma Weiya, Director of the Coordination Management Department, SIPO.

Yang Tiejun delivered an important speech entitled "Adapting to the need of building an innovation type of a country, and opening up China's patent utilization in an all-round way, in which, Yang analysed the international and domestic situation confronted by China's intellectual property work, reviewed the country's patent utilization and industrialization work, emphasized the strategic significance of recognizing the intellectual property utilization and industrialization work under the new situation.  He also put forward 6 opinions and recommendations for opening up China's patent utilization and industrialization as follows: First, government leadership should be strengthened and the leading role of the government over intellectual property utilization and industrialization should be put into play; Second, the favorable opportune moment for the formulation and implementation of the intellectual property strategy should be fully used; public policy that is conducive to intellectual property utilization and industrialization should be released.  Efforts should be intensified on policy guidance, so as to promote patent utilization and industrialization; Third, patent utilization and talents training in the respect of patent utilization and industrialization should be strengthened and human resource development environment that is conducive to the healthy growth of talents should be energetically created; Fourth, the intellectual property cultural construction should be enhanced and the intellectual property consciousness of the whole society should be raised so as to create a sound social and cultural atmosphere for patent utilization and industrialization; Fifth, the main subject role of the enterprises in patent utilization and industrialization should be put into play, and the independent innovation capacity of enterprises should be upgraded, so as to form a batch of independent intellectual property enterprises; Sixth, the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of the intellectual property system should be put into play and specific measures for the promotion of patent utilization and industrialization should be formulated according to the actual situation. At the same time, substantial support should be sought from the local governments and the departments concerned.

More than 100 people from the intellectual property bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and the municipalities under the Central Government, and the intellectual property bureaus of cities not included in the State plan or of Vice Provincial Governor level as well as the pioneering bases of patent industrialization, domestic experts and scholars and specially-invited representatives from the enterprises took part in the meeting.


