Zhang Qin attends Sino-US Intellectual Property Judicial System Roundtable Conference


On November 21, Hon.S. Jay Plager, a Justice of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court and his party paid a visit to the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO).  Both sides held a Sino-US Intellectual Property Judicial System Roundtable Conference.  Zhang Qin, Deputy-Director of SIPO attended the Conference.

Zhang Qin and his colleagues conducted an in-depth discussion with Justice Plager and his party on the intellectual property judicial systems of China and the United States, the challenges and problems confronted by SIPO, intellectual property litigation and other issues.  Justice Plager gave a detailed account of the basic information relative to the intellectual property cases being heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  He also put forward his own views on the development trend of intellectual property judicial trial in the future. Chales Van Horn, former Deputy Assistant Director of the US Patent and Trademark Bureau and John Alison, Co-partner of the US Finnegan Henderson Intellectual Property Law Firm gave an account of the experiences of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Bureau in resolving the piling up of the application cases.  Alison also introduced the advantages and problems of the US litigation system.

The representative of US Finnegan Henderson Intellectual Property Law Firm and the representatives of Rambus Company, InterDigital Company and Marvell Semiconductor Company also spoke on the relevant issues.

Kong Xiangjun, Deputy Presiding Judge of the Intellectual Property Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court, Yun Xintian, Director of the Treaty and Law Department, SIPO and Huang Qing, Executive Deputy Secretary General of the Working Office of the Leading Group for the Formulation of Intellectual Property Strategy participated in the Roundtable Conference.

