Wu Yi emphasize protection for intellectual property according to the law during her survey tour to Guangdong


Wu Yi, Vice-Premier of the State Council emphasized during her survey tour to Guangdong Province that efforts should be made for the overall implementation of the scientific approach to development, upgrading the quality of utilizing foreign capital, protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the investors both in China and abroad and that the protection for intellectual property should be earnestly strengthened, in order to further raise the level of opening to the outside world.

From November 24 to 25 this year, Wu attended the opening ceremony of the Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival and also visited the Nansha Harbor District of the Guangzhou Harbor and the Guangzhou Automobile Toyoto Engine Co., Ltd.  She fully confirmed the achievements made by Guangdong Province in economic and social development and also expressed her appreciation in the respects of optimizing foreign capital structure, attracting foreign capital in terms of quality and level and other exploring work conducted by the Province.

When visiting the Nansha Harbor District, Wu pointed out that harbor cities play an ever important role in the process of participating in the international division of work and cooperation.  They have become the bridge-heads for taking in the move of the international industry as well as the development of international trade.  The Nansha Harbor made the Guangzhou Harbor change from an inland water into a genuine coastal harbor.  And construction work must be carried out according to high standard, so as to further enhance the comprehensive competitive edge of Guangzhou as a regional center city.

Wu attached great importance to the construction of the Electronic Port.  At present, Guangzhou Electronic Port has opened 92 items of business, with inspection and quarantine departments as well as customs house smoothly connected into the Internet. Wu said happily: "As early as in 2004, I approved the plan of constructing the Guangzhou Electronic Harbor and popularized Guangzhou's experience throughout the country.  I hope you will continue with your exploring work and create more and even better fresh experiences in this regard."

Wu pointed out that opening-up to the outside world is a basic national policy of China.  In the new historical period, we should adopt more active attitude when we go to the world arena and pay even greater attention to the important role of opening- up in propelling economic and social development.  With opening-up as the locomotive, we should promote reform and development and elevate opening-up and foreign capital assimilation to a new level.  Wu emphasized that Guangdong Province should play the role of a file-leader in reform and opening-up, continue to be in the front rank and sum up more new experiences.  And more attention should be paid to the improvement of the investment environment and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the investors both in China and abroad as well as earnestly strengthening the protection for intellectual property.  Efforts should be made to further encourage the foreign businessmen to making investment in the high and new technological industry, advanced manufacturing industry, energy conserving and environmental protection industries and continue to encourage transnational corporations to establish their regional head-offices and research and development centers in China.



