China and Italy Sign Agreements on IP and Enterprise Cooperation


On November 29, Chinese Council for Promoting International Trade (CCPIT) and  Instituto Nazionale Per Il Commercio Estero of Italy (ICE) signed understanding momentum in Beijing, and agreed to make detailed implement measures in IPR protection and fighting against infringement and piracy. What is more, the two parties will work together to actively promote the cooperation between the two countries' small-and-medium sized enterprises,  organize exhibitions, business exchanges and training of young mangers.

According to Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, said that the signing of this momentum represented a new beginning of  the two organizations, and expected to contribute more to the economic development of China and Italy. 

After the signing ceremony, Mr. Watanni  presented Mr. Wan a gold-made medal caving the portrait of Maco Poplo for all the help from CCPIT since ICE setting up its office in China in 1965, " the medal is of great significance, as our premier Purotti had presented two such medals when he visited China this year. I present it to Chairman Wan, just hope ICE to enforce its cooperation with CCPIT in all fields."

