Mr. Tian Lipu attended the 13th Sino-Japan commissioner Conference


The 13th Commissioner Conference between China State Intellectual Property Office and Japan Patent Office was held in Tokyo, Japan recently. Mr. Tian Lipu, commissioner of SIPO, and Makoto NAKAJIMA, Commissioner Japan Patent Office (JPO) , heading their own group, attended the conference.

The two parties, after reviewing the cooperation between the two offices in the past year, felt satisfied with the cooperation in patent information statistics, re-examination, patent law amendment and training, and agreed to enforce the cooperation in re-examination, training and database construction.

They all believed that the cooperation in IP field will promote trade and economic development, and thus will further their effort and cooperate closer.

The conference, going under a friendly atmosphere, was quite constructive and laid a good foundation for the future cooperation. After the conference, the two commissioners signed the conference summery.


