The Sixth China, Japan and Korea IP Commissioner Confernence Held in Beijing


On December 4 of 2006, the sixth China, Japan, Korea IP Commissioner Policy Dialogue and Cooperation Conference is held in Bejing. Mr. Tian Lipu, commissioner of China State IP Office, Mr. Makoto NAKAJIMA, Commissioner Japan Patent Office, Mr. Jong-Gap , Kim, Commissioner of Korean IP Office, head their own delegation to the conference.
The three-party dialogue mechanism, starting from 2001, is held every year in the three countries in turn. On this conference, the three commissioners reaffirm that the cooperation among the three offices will enforce regional IP cooperation, and thus promote the overall IP progress in this area. They all agree that the proper IPR protection will promote the technological progress and improvement of local investment environment. 

The commissioners exchange their ideas on the matters of international IP field,  and discuss the future cooperation and exchange structure.  They highly evaluate the progress made by the 4 automatic expert meetings, and approve two new cooperation projects concerning statistic exchange and internet service evaluation.

Before the conference comes to the end, the three commissioners sign the conference summary, and reach a agreement in IP assistance, middle-term target in the three offices' overall cooperation blueprint.


