Mr. Li Yuguang Met IBM Guests


On December 4, Mr. Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, met with Mr. Jim Starllings, GM of IBM System z, and his party in Beijing. The two parties exchanged a lot of views on IBM's solution to SIPO's information system, public service system and examiners training, and agreed to keep on cooperating on information system construction, public service system as well as other fields.


Mr. Li said that SIPO enjoyed a remarkable cooperation with IBM, and with the rapid development of China's IP work, SIPO faced new challenges in examiners and examination quality. On behalf of SIPO, Mr. Li expressed his gratitude to IBM for SIPO's information system and working automation, and suggested IBM working together on public service system.


Mr. Starllings highly valued SIPO's rapid progress in recent years, and expressed his willingness to cooperate with SIPO's information system and public service system as well as examiners' training.

