State Patent Technology Exhibition & Trade Center (Beijing) Put Into Operation


On December 8, 2006, the State Patent Technology Exhibition & Trade Center (Beijing), recommended by Beijing IP Bureau and approved by SIPO, was officially put into operation. Mr. Ma Songde, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Zhao Fengtong, Vice Mayor of Beijing, Mr. Ma Weiya, Director of Coordination Department of SIPO attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Liu Dongwei, Vice Director of Beijing IP Bureau, presided the whole event.

State Patent Technology Exhibition & Trade Center (Beijing), one of first 18 state-level patent technology centers in whole China, is the most authoritive one in Beijing, and will provide a honest, easy trade platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, small investors and non-position inventors.

The center is equipped with advanced computer system so that patent technologies can be traded online and people can get more and quick information from its big database.

On the opening ceremony, the center granted certificates to more than 20 IPR agents, such as Patent Office of China International Trade Promotion Council, Beijing Dequan lawyer Office, Luhao IPR Agent Company, and Ivent IPR Consulting Service.
The center, together with other 7 organizations, such as IP Affair Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China Invention Association, Bank of Communication Beijing Branch as well as Beijing, signed a cooperation agreement to work together to promote IP work in Beijing. Another cooperation with Beijing IPR Protection Complain and Report Service Center was reached so as to enforce protection to IPR, inventors and IPR holders.     

As the only State-level patent exchanger, the center will promote the IPR protection work in Beijing, patent information communication, the combination of patent projects with investors and market, and thus accelerate the development of Beijing economy and technology.

