Anti-Piracy Campaign Draws Wide International Media Attention


China's Anti-Piracy Campaign, lasting some 100 days, has delivered heavy blows to intellectual property infringers.China begins its anti-piracy movement..." These are the news reports from some 30 foreign media such as ABC and International Online commenting on the Campaign.  Therefore, the Campaign has not only achieved significant results but also won strong international support and made good impression in the international news community.


A report on September 16 by ABC (translated headline: China is conducting an anti-piracy movement -- China says 13 million illegal discs destroyed) said that news from the Chinese press reported China's law-enforcement departments had destroyed nearly 13 million illegal music and DVD discs and computer software.


"This is the largest such campaign in recent years," said the International Online in on July 28th. The news agency also quoted from Mr. Long Xinmin, Minister of the General Administration of Press and Publication, that "to promote authentic and legal CD, DVD discs and computer software is China's long-term and unshakable commitment."

