WIPO Senior Official Round-Table Conference Held in Beijing


On December 11, WIPO IP Enforcement Senior Official Round Table Conference was held in Beijing. Mr. Zhang Qin, Vice Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. An Qinghu, Vice Director of China Trademark Bureau, and Ms. Wang Binying, Assistant General Secretary of WIPO attended this conference.

Mr. Jiang Zhipei, presiding judge of IP Court of China Supreme People's Court, delivered a report entitled as “Legal System of IP Law Enforcement”.

The conference consisted of 7 topics, and speakers expressed their ideas in IP law system building, law enforcement in anti-infringement and privacy, IP judges training, public awareness about IPR protection, information exchange and how to improve IP law enforcement.

The conference helped international organizations understand more about China's effort in IPR protection, exchanges among different countries, and provided all participants an opportunity to discuss how to deal with all problems in world IP field and to exchange their experience.

Senior officials from WIPO, WTO, World Custom Organization and International Police Organization as well as Chinese counterparts attended the conference.


