European IP Office Gave a Lecture on Examination in SIPO


According to cooperation plan between SIPO and European IP Office, Dr. Martin Freeze, expert of theory and applied chemistry of European Office, gave a one-week long lecture for SIPO chemistry department recently in Beijing. Senior official of SIPO attended the first day lecture, and on behalf of SIPO, express the gratitude to Dr. Freeze for his hard work in preparing the lecture. Some 30 examiners in chemical field from SIPO attended the event.


During the lecture, Dr. Freeze introduce the European Office's rules in examining patent application chemical field, and compared with Chinese and PCT rules with examples, and gave a detailed explanation in examining procedure, rules, standards as well as concrete methods. Chinese examiners asked a lot of questions, and actively joined into discussion, making the lecture lively and friendly. They said that although China has different laws with European office, but they have similar or same processing rules in many aspects. "European ways has its own characteristics, and quite helpful for us in the future work," the attendants said. 

