National Standard Experts Examination Meeting on IP Documentation Happened in Beijing


Entrusted by china National Commission on Information and Documentation Standard Technology, Information Office and Documentation Department of SIPO jointly sponsored the expert examination meeting recently on IP Document and Information Vocabulary and IP Document and Information Classification and Code. Fourteen experts from China's universities, information institutes and National Standard Examination Commission all voted for the two standards proposed by SIPO.


Presided by Mr. Wang Qiang, Vice Director of SIPO Documentation Department, the drafting people introduced the background, process and principle of drafting the two standards, while experts, after approving the main content and technological standards of the two documents, believed the two standards, filling the vacuum of China in this filed and reaching international standard, will promote the integration of current IP resources and full utilization of information. 

By referring the definition to IP terms made by US, Canada, Australia, WIP and WTO and the experience in China's IP work, the vocabulary is a standard book on IP terms, including 105 basic terms and professional explanation in IP field, such as IP, Industrial IP and Patent, and these IP terms, in both Chinese and English, is expected to make the communication more exact and standard.

The document of Classification and Code, drafted mainly basing on the WIPO Library method  and referring to China's National Library and News Information Classification methods, consists of 144 categories listed respectively in 5 groups and 3 grades, provides standard and regulation guideline to classification index and searching, and will greatly improve the present situation. The experiment in SIPO's library and documentation system has shown its value and effectiveness.


After being approved by Chinese government in 2002 as a national project, SIPO had established a drafting group for the two standards, and the group had done a lot in research, translation and formulation. After finishing the draft, the group had listened to opinions from specialists both from and out of SIPO, and made relevant amendments. The group tried their best to make the two documents accurate, scientific and practical, and had paid full attention to the integration of IP document and information resources. It is believed that the vocabulary and code will greatly promote the China's IP information communication and further development.


After the meeting, the drafting group will finalize the standards and present its application report to the National Standard Commission for becoming formal national standards. The two documents concerning vocabulary and classification and code are the first time for SIPO to apply national standards, and thus, are of great significance as this is the first time in China to regulate the vocabulary and information classification in IP field as national standards.

