1.7 Million Patentees Received Certificates of China Patent in 22 Years


This day of 22 years ago ? December 28, 1985, China Patent Bureau (now State Intellectual Property Office) held a grand meeting in the Great Hall of the People to grant certificates of patent, the first of its kind in the P.R. of China, and patent right to 143 applications. Today after 22 years China has more than 3 million patent applications, and over 1.7 million patentees have received certificates of China patent. 


As of November 2006 China patent applications had reached 3,253,391, of which 1,707,197 were granted patent rights, almost 12,000 times as much as in 1985- 22 years ago. Only in the first 11 months of 2006 237,000 units or individuals became Chinese patentees.


Today of 22 years ago witnessed the great event that, at the first meeting of granting certificates of China patent, then CPC political bureau member and vice premier Li Peng on behalf of the State Council extended his warm congratulations on 84 representatives of Chinese and foreign patentees. State leaders Fang Yi, Li Peng, Hu Qili, Yan Jici and others came to the meeting to grant certificates of patent to the patentees. More than 600 Chinese and foreign guests were present at the meeting.

