SIPO to Have a Press Conference Quarterly this Year


On December 28, 2006, the Press Office of the State Council published a name-list of ministries and commissions that are required to implement the system of news release at given time and place by their press spokesmen, in which the SIPO is included. Beginning from January 2007, the SIPO will carry out this system, by which it will hold press conference at given time and place on a quarterly basis or anytime in case of great event.

It is learned that another 8 government agencies including the State Development and Reform Commission also set up the spokesman press release system at given time and place at the same time as the SIPO did. Mr. Cai Wu, director of the State Council Press Office says, as from January 2007 following the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Health, another 9 government agencies including the State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, State Forestry Administration, State Intellectual Property Office, China Meteorological Administration and China Insurance Regulatory Commission will also set up the system of press release by spokesman at given time and place. Director Cai Wu says, among those scheduled to implement the spokesman press conference system, some may possibly hold press conference once a month, while others on a quarterly basis.

At present, under the State Council there are 74 departments that have set up the spokesman press conference system, and designated 91 spokesmen. Likewise, people's governments of the 31 provinces (regions and municipalities) have too set up the same system and designated 52 spokesmen. Throughout last year, a total of 1,321 press conferences were held at three levels ? the State Council Press Office, ministries and commissions under the State Council and provinces (regions and municipalities). There were 59 leaders above vice minister released news at press conferences held by the State Council Press Office, and 12 of them are ministers, which shows a higher level of press release than the year before.


