Supreme Court: More than 60,000 Cases Involving China IP Heard in 6 Years


At the 7th national conference of civil hearing held on January 5 Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme People's Court, disclosed that, since 2001 people's courts throughout China had accepted more than 60,000 cases involving intellectual property and that in the future greater efforts would be made to further improve IP protection mechanism and handle IP cases in an appropriate manner.


Over the past 6 years the Supreme People's Court studied and formulated, earlier or later, more than 140 documents of judicial interpretation and regulation regarding civil trials. Among them those involving cases of computer network copyright and domain name, trademark, patent, new plant species and technology contract have set clear specific principles and standards for the protection of intellectual properties.  


According to the requirements of the Supreme People's Court, courts at various levels in the country should at present time and will in a given period of time ahead bring into full play their function of judgment and do well with 10 types of civil cases.  Regarding them the Supreme People's Court has set forth requirements respectively, with emphasis on that IP cases should be heard properly and the IP judicial protection mechanism be improved so that the awareness of the whole society about IP protection can be fostered, social vitality of creation be stimulated and the construction of a state renovation system be guaranteed. 


It is learned that during the period of 2001 ? Nov. 2006 courts throughout the country had tried a total of 287,581,112 civil cases by first, second instance and rehearing, which accounted for 80% of the total, among them 64,099 were IP cases. 


