Over 700,000 Applications for Registration of Trademarks, and 180 Brand Trademarks in the Year 2006


At the national work conference of industry and commerce held on January 4 Director Zhou Baihua of the General Administration for Industry and Commerce disclosed that, in 2006, the GAIC handled more than 700,000 applications for registration of trademarks and approved the registration of 260,000 of them. Up to date, registered trademarks are accumulated to 2,760,000. Last year, the GAIC Trademark Office affirmed 180 brand trademarks. 


In 2006 industrial and commercial administrations in various localities continued their activities of protecting the franchise of registered trademark, with greater force on the administrative protection of trademarks.  All local administrations went on intensifying their crack-down on trademark offenders and gave priority to the rectification of the wholesale and retail markets of such commodities as are concerned by the Chinese and foreign public. The whole system of industrial and commercial administration investigated and handled 33,900 cases of trademark tort, of which 7,439 involved foreign trademarks, and 111 cases were submitted to the judicial authorities for disposal. All this has effectively safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of owners of trademarks and also improved the market condition.


Zhou Baihua says, while strengthening administrative protection of trademarks in 2007, the GAIC will further increase the level of its work on registered trademarks and review and approval of trademark applications. Powerful measures shall be taken to cope with any willful application, rush registration, objection and transfer as well as other behaviors that disturb the order of trademark administration and damage the rights and interests of trademark owners.  In 2007 the GAIC will work still harder to consummate the system of trademark review and trial, with special efforts to solve such problems as willful application, rush registration, objection and transfer.

