Guangdong Province Ranks First Among Others in Number of Patent Applications in 2006


According to the SIPO latest statistics for 2006 up to January 11, 2007, Guangdong Province ranks first among others in terms of total number of patent applications, followed by Jiangsu Province with the largest margin of growth. Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces reported an increase of invention patent at a rate over 50%.   

In terms of number of three categories of patent applications in 2006 top ten provinces and cities are Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Liaoning, Hubei and Tianjin. Guangdong ranked first in continuation with a total of 90,886 applications, followed by Jiangsu province with 53,267, a sharp rise of 53% from 34,811 in 2005. All the others reported an increase, large or small. Zhejiang took the third place with 52,980 applications, Shandong and Shanghai came out to be the 4th and 5th with 38,284 and 36,042, respectively. Beijing, Taiwan, Liaoning remained unchanged at the 6th, 7th and 8th with 26,555, 22,496 and 15,672, respectively, Hubei took the 9th place with 14,576, before Tianjin which recorded 13,299. According to statistics for 2006, the top ten registered an average growth rate of 22% in terms of total of the three categories of patent application.

In terms of invention patent applications in 2006 top ten provinces and cities remained unchanged, compared with the previous year.  Guangdong maintained its first place with 21,351, a sharp rise of 66% from 12,887 in the year before, Beijing, Shanghai and Taiwan ranked 2nd, 3rd and 4th with 14,226, 12,050 and 10,407, respectively. Only Jiangsu and Zhejiang changed their places, with 10,214 at a large growth rate of 55% at the 4th place, and with 8,333 at the 6th place. The 7th to 10th places were still taken by Shandong with 7,327, Tianjin with 4,981, Liaoning with 4,368, and Hunan with 3,578, respectively. Although the last four remained unchanged in their position, their number of invention patent applications was enlarged to different extents, the highest growth rate was 51% reached by Shandong Province.

