Enterprises Have Become the Main Force to Apply for Patent License in China


In 2006 Chinese enterprises applied for 166,874 domestic patents, a big increase of 31.0% from the previous year, accounting for 82.0% of total domestic service patent applications. The three categories of patent application also registered a growth rate of 31.0% year-on-year, higher than that of domestic service patent applications. Invention patent applications by Chinese enterprises totaled 56,455, making up 69.2% of domestic invention patent service applications, which means they have become the main force in this area.
Among the three categories of patent application accepted in 2006, 303,174 were for service patents, a big rise of 21.8% year-on-year, and 270,004 were for non-service patents, up 18.7% from the previous year.
Among domestic service patent applications, except those from enterprises, those from schools of high learning were 22,950, a rise of 15.2% or accounting for 11.3% of the total; 9,878 was from academies of science and research, a slight increase of 1.4%, for 4.8%; and 3,864 was from government agencies and public undertakings, a substantial increase of 125.4% for the previous year, or making up 1.9% of the total.
Among applications for invention patent services accepted in 2006, domestic ones totaled 81,485, a sharp rise of 30.9%, accounting for 66.6% of the total domestic applications. And among the domestic applications for invention service patents there were 56,455 from industrial and mining enterprises, a big increase of 40.4%, making up 69.2% of the domestic invention service patents and 33.8% of the three categories from domestic industrial and mining enterprises.


