Pan-Pearl River 9 Provinces (regions) Crack down IP Tort by Joint Agreement


On January 11, representatives from the rectification and regulation office of 9 provinces (regions) in the pan-Pearl River area met and inked the Agreement on Joint Rectification and Regulation in the Pan-Pearl River Area. It marks one of the important breakthroughs to the rectification and regulation in closer communication and coordination among their IP law-enforcement departments. 
The Agreement was signed at the first joint meeting  of rectification and regulation in the pan-Pearl River area (Guangdong). 

According to the Agreement, in addition to routine info-exchange and communication among these rectification and regulation offices, IP protection is written into the Agreement as a key content of cooperation. Concretely, it includes: strengthen communication and coordination among all IP law-enforcement departments in the area, realize information sharing, set up a mechanism of joint, trans-regional response to IP cases, and raise the level of IP protection as a whole. Under such mechanism, piratic disks produced in the Guangxi Zhuan Autonomous Region and their distributors in Guangdong and Hubei provinces have been destroyed once for all.

It is learned that the joint meeting focused on how to rectify and regulate the market economic order in various regions and reach consensus on communication and cooperation. The 9 provinces (regions) have also decided that, aimed at trans-regional activities of production of shady products, they will make concerted efforts to exchange information, to interact, cooperate in law-enforcement and break away from local protectionism in order to severely crack down serious cases of offence with bad influence.

The convening of the recent joint meeting and the conclusion of the Agreement marks that cooperative rectification and regulation in the pan-Pearl River area has developed into a brand new stage of institutionalization and regular practice, which will play a significant role in raising the level of rectification and regulation in the area as a whole and creating a just and open market condition. Since the start of this practice in 2004 remarkable headway has been made in such sectors as economy, trade, investment, communication, energy, tourism and labor service. 

