Wu Yi Attended an IP Round Table Meeting at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing


On November 18, State Council's Vice Premier Wu Yi attended the IP round luncheon hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, saying, China attaches great importance to the protection of IP rights. In recent years, continued efforts have been made to protect IPRs. China pays much attention to the protection of not only foreign intellectual property rights but also its domestic IPRs. This aims to fulfill its commitments to WTO made at its entry, but more importantly, to expand opening up to the outside world, to bring in investment and advanced technology from abroad, and to speed up the development of China's economy and society. 

Wu Yi said, with two decades of efforts China had established a complete legal system of IP protection, and its legislation on IP had been affirmed commonly in the world. As a member of the WIPO China has joined the major international IP pacts and conventions such as Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Madrid Agreement Concerning the Intellectual Registration of Marks, which proves China's IP protection is being kept in line with international practice in sphere and level. China persists in the principle of treating a disease by looking into both its root cause and symptoms, with more efforts on the root cause, and, therefore, launches vast activities of IP protection in the whole society. In this respect, the Chinese government has intensified law-enforcement, severely cracked down various behaviors of shamming marks and their infringement, with outstanding progress and achievement reported. She pointed out, at present, there still exist some problems of IP protection, which are being attended to and solved one by one. The Chinese government's resolution and approach are constant.    
Talking about Sino-American economic and trade relations, Wu Yi said, China and the U.S. are nowadays largest developed and developing countries in the world, with their economic development being strongly and mutually complementary. Development of Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations is of mutual benefit and with a win-win result.

Invited to the IP round table meeting were also officials from the competent departments of the Chinese government and related functionary agencies. The Chinese officials gave brief account of the situation of legislation and law-enforcement in respect of intellectual property. Some associations and enterprise representatives from the U.S. side also participated the meeting.

