Significant Progress in Beijing IP Activities


Beijing registered largest amounts of applied and granted patents in China, with registered trademarks, brand marks and copyrights growing by a big margin…The Beijing Development Plan on Intellectual Property Activity during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period released on January 15 pointed out: "Since the 10th Five-Year Plan period significant progress has been made in Beijing in intellectual property activities, and all data and indicators tend to grow substantially."
The Plan pointed out, "in the 10th Five-Year Plan period the Beijing area recorded a total of 83,978 patent applications, and 39,942 of patent licenses, 39,297 applications for invention patent, and 10,958 granted licenses for invention patent, taking the first place in the country. Valid registered trademarks in Beijing aggregated to more than 100,000 cases, ranking fourth nationwide. Likewise, ranking first in the country are related major indicators, among which 16,184 are registered works, 23,961 are software, 34,152 are books introduced from abroad, accounting for 46.3%, 37.1% and 66.2% of the total in the country, respectively."     
Beside, during the 10th Five-Year Plan period, Beijing promulgated successively a number of legal documents including: Opinions on Strengthening Work in Respect to Intellectual Property in Beijing, Outline on Developing and Protecting IP in Beijing (2004-2008), Plan for Intellectual Property Protection in the Grace Period after China's Entry to WTO and Regulation of Beijing Municipality on the Protection and Promotion of Patents, further improved the legal and policy systems on IP protection, and formed in the main a sound mechanism of IP management and protection. In addition, a work conference system was also set up for the Beijing IP Activity Office, followed by the Zhongguancun State Exemplary IP Garden to generalize exemplary IP policy and system.

The Plan pointed out, as of 2005, there were 130 IP agencies in Beijing, making up one quarter of the total in the country. There were 483 trademark agencies, 13 times as much as before opening registration by agencies. The system of IP intermediary service is being improved as well.
The Plan noted, during the 10th Five-Year Plan period Beijing Municipality stepped up efforts on IP protection, continued to boost the construction of IP law-enforcement, and strengthened social supervision, for one thing, a press conference system was set up in 2003 to release the situation of IP protection. Statistics shows that in the five years Beijing handled in aggregation 6,863 cases of sham trademarks and trademark infringement, 460 cases of copyright infringement, 240 cases of dispute over copyright, 125 cases of patent dispute, and 99 cases of sham patent.




