Zhang Qin Attended the 4th Meeting of the Shanghai Organizational Committee of the World EXPO 2010


On January 12, the Shanghai Organizational Committee of World EXPO 2010 held its 4th meeting in Beijing. The meeting was presided over by Vice Premier Wu Yi of the State Council and Chairperson of the Committee. Present at the meeting were also Vice Director of the SIPO and member of the Committee as well as other members.
The meeting heard work reports delivered by Han Zheng, Shanghai standing Party secretary, mayor and first vice chairman of the World EXPO 2010 Organizational Committee and Wan Jifei, chairman of the CCPIT and vice chairman of the Committee. Vice mayor Yang Xiong explained the related documents including the Shanghai subject deduction plan for the World EXPO 2010, and also reported the compilation of its overall preparatory plan. Also, vice chairperson Wang Jinzhen of the CCPIT gave explanations on the two plans, namely, the Plan for Participation of the World EXPO 2010 Shanghai by Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities and Plan for the Participation of the World EXPO 2010 Shanghai by Countries without Diplomatic Relations with China.  
Wu Yi required that all related departments should strengthen cooperation, give priority to their work and make down-to-earth preparations for the World EXPO 2010 Shanghai. She expressed her appreciation of the suggestion rendered by Zhang Qin that a press conference should be launched to introduce laws and regulations on IP protection at the World EXPO. 

