Director Tian Lipu Meeting with President of CARDOZO and His Party


On January 9, Director Tian Lipu of the SIPO had a meeting with Mr. David Rudenstine, President of CARDOZO Law School of the University of Yeshiva. Both sides had friendly, deep-going talks on the cultivation of high-level talents involved in intellectual property activity, academic exchange and cooperation. Present at the meeting were also Director Xiao Luqing of the Personnel Department and Director Nu Guoliang of the International Department.
At the meeting Director Tian Lipu first of all gave a brief introduction to the guests about the establishment and development of China's intellectual property system, the function of the SIPO, the situation of patent applications and the growing tendency, the personnel structure and training of the SIPO. He stressed the importance of bringing up high quality talents to the work of the SIPO. 

Director Xiao Luqing made a detailed introduction as to how necessary personnel training is at the SIPO and the status of its cooperation with overseas institutes of higher learning and study and research in joint training of high-level IP personnel. Mr. David Rudenstine thanked Director Tian Lipu for sparing precious time to meet him and his party, and accounted in detail for the situation of cultivating master-degree students and IP personnel by short-term training courses, including such matters as class lectures and hours, credit arrangement, tuition, and practice and visit. Both parties conducted a thorough discussion on the issue of how to train up in depth talented personnel for the SIPO, and reached a preliminary intention for the SIPO to send trainees to the CARDOZO.  
Founded in 1886 the University of Yeshiva us a well-known general Jew education institution, a multi-purpose university with priority to both teaching and research activities. It has four campuses in New York. CARDOZO Law School enjoys high prestige for its research and training of talents in the intellectual property area.

