Director Tian Lipu Sits on the Country Powering Forum at the People's Daily Online


On January 18 Director Tian Lipu of the SIPO was invited to the high-level series of interview entitled "Looking back to 2006 and forward to 2007" presented by Pepole's Daily Online under its "COUNTRY POWERING FORUM". The current interview focused on the subject of "intellectual property and independent innovation", and views were exchanged online with netizens on the issue of IP and independent innovation.
By means of live broadcast of pictures and words in a short time of one and a half hours, questions raised by netizens covered all points of the IP area, including collection of copyright fee, implementation of invention patent, patent application in China by oversea citizens as well as the operational efficiency of China's patent system.  
Aimed at the matter of how to protect "intellectual property" by the SIPO on the internet, Tian Lipu said, network IP is called the right of communication through information network in China. On May 10, 2006, the State Council issued the Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network (draft), which prescribes that the right of communication through information network owned by the patentee is protected by the Intellectual Property Law and this Regulation. If any organizations or individuals provide the public, via information network, with products of other people such as written works, performances, recorded and video disks, they should have prior permit from and pay remuneration to their owners.
Netizens showed much concern about the matter that the U.S. had over exaggerated the problem of China's IP protection. Tian Lipu said, it is natural that the U.S. concerns about the protection of its intellectual properties by all other countries over the world. During the eightieth of last century the U.S. was the first to have completed its industrial structure adjustment and change in the form of economic growth, so that its national economy gradually embarked on the development stage of a knowledge economy. Now, the U.S. has become the largest owner and exporter of intellectual properties. The output of intellectual properties includes not only patent technologies, software products and brand products that are most important in the world, but also its video and film works that hold an important position in the international market.

Tian Lipu stressed, China has become a big manufacturing country in the world, with its self-innovative capacity and international influence growing step by step. Viewed from the interests of its own, the U.S. is certain to show more concern about the situation of IP protection in China. It is true that inefficient IP protection in China is exaggerated in some areas. This requires, however, that we should, on one hand, do our work well, intensifying IP protection and consummating the IP protection system, and, on the other, we should objectively propagate our achievements made in IP protection to the world, and calmly cope with any events by way of cooperation in place of conflict and dialogue  rather than censure.
It is learned that this Country Powering Forum is a brand product of the Pepole's Daily Online, which provides a special platform for the Party and government on the international internet, therefore, it arouses much concern from domestic and oversea media. With the subject of discussion on how to enhance China's overall state strength, embody the spirit of its nation and traditional excellent culture, it is awarded the honor of "Most famous Chinese Forum" by oversea media. In recent years, the forum invited a total of 2000 government officials, NPC deputies, members of CPPCC, experts and scholars, heroes and model workers to exchange views online with netizens, having thus built up a bridge of communication and dialogue.

