Sino-Canada Business Officials Meeting to Promote Cooperation in Intellectual Property Rights


Xiuhong Ma, vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, met the visiting Canadian International Trade Minister David Emerson. During the meeting, they exchanged views on issues of mutual concern such as enhancing cooperation in commerce, promoting mutual investment, strengthening IPR protection and driving a new round of WTO negotiations.

Xiuhong Ma stressed that the two economies are complementary and have huge potential for economic cooperation leading to further economic growth. China and Canada should continue to increase their trade volume, expand their cooperation and speed up negotiation for agreements on mutual investment protection to facilitate two-way investment.

Mr. Emerson recognized China for its efforts in IPR protection and promoting the Doha Round. He pointed out that Canada and China should strengthen dialogues and exchanges on IPR protection.

Economic and trade cooperation between China and Canada has been growing steadily in recent years. In 2006, the bilateral trade volume reached USD23.18 billion and the accumulated investment volume of Canadian businesses in China exceeded USD5.3 billion.



