Wu Yi: Make IP Activity Develop Fast and Better


At the rewarding meeting held on February 6, SIPO Director Tian Lipu read out a letter of February 5 addressed to the SIPO by Wu Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council. She pointed out in the letter, the SIPO should take the opportunity to go ahead with momentum and try to make China's IP activity develop still faster and better, and build the office into a powerful one. 


Wu Yi highly appraised the work of the SIPO, she says in the letter: "You have been able to grasp the whole situation and have made mew headway in various key work with priority: a periodic result has been achieved in formulating the state intellectual property strategy, the 11th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Intellectual Property Activity has been submitted to the State Council for approval, and so has been the revised draft Patent Law for review. IP publicity work is also being conducted colorfully. You are doing down-to-earth work with great effort and advancing with all fundamental work. The volume of patent applications is increasing in a sustainable way, and your capacity of examining and approving them is growing further. Meanwhile, notable progress has been recorded in the construction of information and resource work. Exchange and cooperation with foreign counterparts is developing in depth, and your capacity of participating international affairs is upgraded remarkably. You have also made new progress in IP management, with your management capability and level increasing further.


Wu Yi places her ardent expectation on the IP activity and the work of the SIPO, she says, 2007 has brought about a good opportunity for the development of China's IP activity. You are required to seize the opportunity to advance with momentum, work hard to boost a still faster and better development of China's IP activity, and to build your office into a powerful and efficient one. 


In the letter Wu Yi gives encouragement to the staff of the SIPO, who should continue doing well with its IP publicity, further arouse the awareness of the whole society to protect IP so as to create a still better atmosphere for faster and better development of China's IP activity. You should loose no time to complete the formulation of the state intellectual property strategy, cooperate well with the legislative department in making the third revision of the Patent Law, and make a good arrangement for the implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Intellectual Property Activity. Close coordination and cooperation should be conducted with the relevant departments and local authorities in stepping up efforts on IP protection and really protecting the legitimate rights and interests of patentees, so as to make new contribution to the maintenance of normal market economic order. 

