Deputy Director Yang Tiejun Visited the IP Exhibition Hall


A few days ago, Deputy Director Yang Tiejun of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) visited the IP Exhibition Hall. He gave a full affirmation of its overall arrangement and some instructive opinions regarding the content, layout, dissemination means and management method.
During his visit Yang Tiejun had a free-discussion on the IP Exhibition Hall with members of its work group. At the discussion meeting, the comrade in charge of the first phase of the hall gave an overall introduction of work content and talked about his tentative idea about the second phase of work. After hearing the report, Yang Tiejun pointed out that, further improvement and details should be made in respect of content, layout, service and others, and, at the same time, more staff and better management are needed. Regarding the soon start of the second phase of project, it should be arranged in a scientific way with a definite work schedule, and carry it out strictly. As for its design, on the basis of further substantialization, some innovation should be made to give play to its feature of "intellectual property", and the hall's activity is made in close match with the "2007 IP open day" of the SIPO. Yang Tiejun further required that the Historical Documents Department should in the future have more communication with other related departments in order that the SIPO can bring its synergy into play and make full use of various resources. And then, a mew space can be opened up on the basis of continuous innovation in the dissemination of IP information.  

The IP Exhibition Hall was completed in April 2006, which shows the history of China's patent system and the development of the SIPO in the forms of words, pictures, photos, models and objects. At the same time, it also introduces representatives from Chinese inventors and renovators as well as works awarded gold prize in the past times of choice, which serves as a window to publicize China's IP system and the development of the SIPO.

